Monday, October 02, 2006

Consider me baited

Wil Saletan recently wrote an article about differing approaches pro-life legialators are taking toward reducing abortion. Some want to encourage coontraception, others do not. The rift may result in nothing being done at all.

How does Slate promote this on its front page? With a picture of birth control pills and the teaser, "The War on Birth Control: Watch out! Pro-lifers are coming after your pils."

Words cannot express how freaking ridiculous this headline is.

It would be if Congress were considering how to curtail crime, and some wanted to encourage personal gun ownership and others did not, and this debate were given the headline, "The War on Guns. Watch out! Liberals are coming after your rifle."

I understand the need to generate hit counts, but this playing to fear is absolutely ridiculous, and beneath a publiation like Slate that aspires to relevance.

1 comment:

twiffer said...

hey john.

i agree with the spirit of your post. alas, seems like all news sites do the same shit.