Wednesday, November 01, 2006

U2 -- Hypocrites?

I was saddened to read Timothy Noah's account U2's tax sheltering, and I'm not sure what to make of it.

Noah calls them "hypocrites." On the surface this seems even worse than hypocrisy. Hypocrisy is roughly defined as preaching to others that they should do something that you do not do yourself. What it appears that U2 is doing is telling others to do something, and then withholding the means for them to do it. I suppose this is how some people feel about abortion opponenets who oppose government aid programs.

It would be one thing if U2 claimed that they could be more efficient is using their funds to help global poverty (like Bill Gates or Warren Buffet) than governments could, but a hallmark of Bono's advocacy has been pressuring governments for aid, rather than individuals and coporations.

Now, Noah's article takes a couple liberties as well. Third world poverty, rather than Irish poverty, has not been the main focus of Bono's advocacy, and G8 governments, rather than governments like the Irish government, have been the main targets of Bono's appeals. Nevertheless, the money for aid must come from somewhere, and it does strike me as odd that U2 would seek to minimize its contribution to the pool of available funds.

Finally, (and I realize I'm descending into fan-boy rationalization here) it could be that Bono simply got outvoted on this. It is probably the case that Bono's bandmates support his advocacy but do not share his zeal, and are willing to do some benefit concerts but not sacrifice their children's inheritance.

Anyway, those are my somehwat muddled thoughts.

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