Friday, October 27, 2006

A Time For Reckoning...

Fray-cas here...

I see a lot of things these days...

None of them impress me greatly.

Truly it is the same old thing. We weep for those going out, and try desperately to make sure that there are plenty coming back in, all while ignoring and, honestly, denigrating who are, right now, doing nothing more than being...

But what, really, what is it all worth?

I had an epiphany this evening, and I thought I might share it with you:

No matter what you are, what you believe, no matter what you try, or how you succeed, there are those who will hold you in utmost contempt...

And there is nothing... nothing at all... that you could ever hope to do about it.

Success is a double-edged sword. It not only proves the shiftless wrong, but draws a bullseye on your back for those who have made their living out of decimating the competition.

I am a survivor. There is very little that I cannot accomplish without a very small expenditure of will. From what I have seen, our little country could do with a few more like me. Yet I am spurned.

I wonder why...

Would someone please explain why this country hates its best? Would someone please explain why this country lauds its worst?

Do people like me frighten you?


Anonymous said...

There is very little that I cannot accomplish without a very small expenditure of will. From what I have seen, our little country could do with a few more like me. Yet I am spurned.

I wonder why...

Maybe it's because you get confused and drop the ball when handling a logical and linguistic construct such as a double negative.

Anonymous said...

In other words, maybe you're not "all that." Maybe your self-assessment is a tad overgenerous.

What are the great initiatives of yours that have been spurned?

MsZilla said...

I don't know about spurning or not (and I hope the Anonymous Grammarian above me is just being ironic rather than a cruel twit).

I've found that what doesn't matter is what those people think and say.

The doing, the being, matters a great deal in and of itself. It is you in your purest form. And being yourself and standing your ground is the only thing that has any chance at all at having an effect on the 99 others who aren't catcalling and double-checking your spelling.

I didn't say it was the easiest thing. Sometimes it's hard to keep that in mind when you'd rather just strangle them and give up. But in the end they're never worth the effort it would take to do a satisfying job of it. And before you know it they do it for you anyways.

Anonymous said...

To Anonymous #1

Is there any creature more dubious than the grammarian? I think not.

To Anonymous #2:

I am all that. Thanks for being.

To MsZilla:

Truer words probably spoken, but these come close to the maximum.

Anonymous said...

Tell you what, Elbo Ruum. Nationwide elections are coming up in ten days. Why don't you lend a hand to help get a candidate or two elected?

Your efforts will be appreciated and not spurned.

Anonymous said...

Dear Anonymous #3,

I'd love to help.

Of course, depending on the party, you may not want my help.