Saturday, November 04, 2006

Rick Santorum Approves of Violence

Go watch it. I'll wait. You want the one called "Wrestling". Just be aware his site is not particularly Mac friendly

I don't have much use for this guy. But this is a little ridiculous.

The commercial is all about how he's cooperating and working with other members of Congress. Sort of a tag team politics motif. He's got several sweaty grapplers going at it behind him while he stands there all calm and spouting resume bullet points. Then he gets to the last one and I started laughing.

He's bragging about how he and Hillary Clinton have "helped limit violence in children's video games".

That's horse-hockey. He went straight past Hillary and Lieberman with his support of the ESRB's Family Initative this last summer. He did sign the bill that's paying for that stupid CAPRA study to supposedly determine once and for all if videogames cause violent behavior, and I think she did too. That's the extent of their cooperation. And it's also the extent of their actual effect on anything. Spent money and soundbytes.

But it gets better. While I'm still sitting here with my jaw flopped open, he tops off the commerical about how he is cooperating and is limiting violence in a way that truly represents his message. One of the sweaty thugs comes up behind him and Santorum elbows him in the face without missing a beat on his "and I approved this message" line.

I'm still chuckling a bit as I chalk up another data point for my theory. It basically says that if you can be elected to a high office in this country, you are exactly the sort of person who should never be.


Anonymous said...

well, naturally we all know that wrestling is fake. and fake violence cannot possibly lead to real violence...

hey, wait a second!

MsZilla said...

;) You're catching on, Twif.

And OUCH, august. Wow. I think I'm too young for that link (so I'll just have to read it after lights-out). The homepage had some funny stuff, though.

Anonymous said...

savage love. i read it on the onion av club.

nice typo, btw. adapting a child...but to what, i must inquire.

MsZilla said...

I don't think you can hardwire in a USB dongle on them, if that's what you're thinking Twif. ;)